Publisher Council of Governors (CoG)
Year of Publication 2018
County Kisumu

The second Kisumu County IntegratedDevelopment Plan is the Countysdevelopment blueprint that outlines theprogrammes and projects which KisumuCounty intends to implement during thefive-year period starting 2018 to 2022. It isthe social contract between the CountyGovernment and the people of KisumuCounty. The plan draws from the promisesmade during campaigns to take upleadership of the County and convert thosepromises into actionable programmes andprojects.Like other counties, our first CIDP (2013-2017) was prepared in 2013 and itsimplementation ends in June, 2018. The CIDP II aims to build on the achievements andalso takes into account, lessons learnt from implementation of the CIDP I in order to putthe County on a high, broad-based, inclusive and sustainable growth trajectory recoverypath. Intrusively, County development planning takes place in the context of Global targetsin the current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Agenda 2063 of the African Unionand the National Long-term Vision 2030 and its third MediumTerm Plan presentlyanchored in the Presidents Big Four Agenda and its implementation arrangements. Ourplan aligns to these frameworks since we recognize our circumstance in the diagnosis in theconstraints to Development that underpin the global, regional and national responses. Thatnowithstanding our primary responsibily is to meet thedevelopment aspirations of thepeople of Kisumu County.For far too long, Kisumu has remaned a county of great potential, but a disappointingunder-achiever. With this plan, Kisumu is now a county of great potential and a promising xvi Kisumu County Integrated Development Plan | 2018 2022achiever. We will stopwalking with the chicken and begin to fly with the eagles. How willwe achieve this? Our ten-point plan in the Manifesto is integrated into this CIDP II, to keepus focused on the following key priorities: Revitalizing agriculture for food security and agribusiness; Ensuring a healthy population living in a clean and secure environment; Modernizing infrastructure; Promotion of skills development and innovation; Conservation of environment while opening the Kisumu lake-front for business; Promotion of decent housing; Promotion of sports, culture and arts; Promotion of sustainable energy sources in industrialization and service sectordevelopment Promotion of tourism driven by culture and heritage and Deepening the structures of devolved governance.The central focus of the plan is to deliver and create an accelerated and inclusive economicgrowth, higher living standards, improved governance, efficient public service delivery andan enabling environment for the private sector to do business. The Plan also includes anequitable and socio-economic agenda focusing on reducing inequalities in access toproductive resources and basic goods and services.The CIDP II was prepared through an inclusive and consultative process in conformity toto the requirements of the Constitution of Kenya on public participation in public policymaking. In implementation, we recognize that our most valuable assets are the people,interms of the human resources at the county government and various individual and groupactors outside the government. The county government will mobilize human effort,financial and technical resources in partnership with the national government and externalpartners to realize the goals in in this plan. Internally, we will introduce innovations in thestructure of the county government, for organizational efficiency and effective servicedelivery.

Tags kisumu, county, integrated, development, plan, ii, 2018, 2022, kisumu-county-integrated-development-plan-ii-2018-2022, Public Finance


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